My original plan was to promote the 100% Pure Hand Buttercream today, which has been a lifesaver this year. Every winter my hands get so dry, the skin ends up cracking and sometimes bleeding. I've tried dozens of lotions, as well as homemade remedies, but this is the first time anything has worked. It's a small tube (2 oz.) but only costs $8 and is fairly concentrated, so it lasts a good while. I use it once in the morning, and then again at night if needed...most days I only need one dose. And it comes in four yummy "flavors": lavender, vanilla bean, coconut, and honey almond.
However, yesterday I came across an article in the Washington Post about lead in lipsticks, which has since been picked up by other news outlets. Apparently, the FDA doesn't have any restrictions on how much lead can be included in cosmetics--even something you're putting on your lips and possibly ingesting small amounts of! (This is the same FDA who doesn't want anyone drinking raw milk. Their decision to implement harsh regulations of small companies while being lenient to huge corporations is interesting, to say the least.) It took me a while, but I found the full list of 400 lipstick shades that contain trace amounts of lead (most likely from mineral additives), which you can read here. I was pretty shocked, because the brands include not only top cosmetics companies such as L'Oreal and Maybelline, but companies that I always thought were more natural, including Burt's Bees and The Body Shop. :(
Thanks to reading that article, I feel compelled to also promote healthier alternatives to common lipsticks, such as the 100% Pure Sorbet Lip Gloss (which my mother loves) or the Fruit Pigmented Lip Glaze. There are several other options as well, if those don't sound appealing, so be sure to check out the full line of products offered at alex+von. If you order anything, please make sure I'm listed as your consultant. I'm working hard to become independent of the typical job situation, and every sale gets me to closer to being a work-at-home mom! As always, don't forget to feed the fish. :)
Love this post! I was a huge Burt's Bees user for a long time until I did a little more research. A few months ago I received a new product to test for them (a facial cleanser and moisturizer). I immediately broke out and my face felt like it was on fire. I had never had that reaction before to any of their products, so I did a little more investigation to find that they are not as natural as they claim to be. I was rather disappointed to say the least, but I'm glad to know the truth at the same time.