For the last three weeks, I've been working 10-12 hours a day and that isn't going to let up any time soon. The result is that I'm eating poorly again. The first week we ate a lot of pizza and burgers, and the stress means I'm craving sugary and fatty things...sodas, chips, cookies. I've tried to indulge a little bit, but some days it takes all my willpower to keep from pigging out completely. And the worst part is, I don't feel well when I eat like this. I feel bloated and gross and tired, but I'm having a lot of trouble controlling myself.
At the beginning of last week, I tried to offset this problem by incorporating crockpot meals into my weekday routine. This isn't ideal for my goals, since I'd much prefer to be lightly cooking/steaming fresh veggies each night rather than letting the nutrition cook out of them all day long. But I haven't had much choice in the matter, and at least this way we're getting organic meat and veggies in a more-or-less home-cooked form. We also make burgers pretty often with the grass-fed beef because they TASTE SO DARN GOOD! Seriously, I will crave these burgers if it's been more than a week or two since I've had one. In this area, at least, fast food is no substitute. I might still have french fry cravings, but I no longer want burgers from the normal places.
I can't wait for things to settle down a little more, so I can get back to living healthy and weaning us off even more store-bought goods. For example, a friend last weekend told me that she'd just recently learning that most pickles have dyes in them. Sure enough, next time I went to Kroger, I checked every single brand (including Claussen), and all of them contained at least one dye. Why is that necessary?!? So now my weekend plans include trying out homemade pickles along with planting a few herbs and veggies. I'll let you know how they turn out. ;)
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